Classification of Computer
Today, computers come in multiple shapes, sizes, and types, ranging from those that firth in the palm of your hand or hides in the corner of your microwave or VCR to those that occupy entire rooms; form the ones generally used differ in their data processing ability, e.g. some computers work on digital data, while some might work on analog data. Cutters are classified on the basis of the following.- Data handling: Whether the computer is using analog, digital data, or communication of both.
- Functionality: Whether the column of work that the computer can handle is large or small.
Computers are meant for
different purposes. They can be used either for a general-purpose or for a
specific purpose. General-purpose computers are designed to handle a variety
of problems and are used in countless applications. A general-purpose computer
can be used for varied applications such as payroll, inventory control,
budgeting, and sales analysis. Although, such machines are versatile but they
normally lack speed efficiency. A specific purpose computer is designed to handle
a specific problem or to perform a specific task. Examples of special-purpose
computers are those used for collection highway tolls, airline reservations,
satellite tracking, air traffic control, and industrial process control. These
systems may lack versatility but they prom their specific tack very efficiently
and quickly.
Classification According to Data-Handling capabilities
Various types of
cutters process the data in a different manner, and according to this basic
working principle, they are classified into the following three categories:
- Analog computer
- Digital computer
- Hybrid computer
Analog Computer
There term analog means
continuous wave or data such as electronic current and any device, which
measures this continuous data by some system of the unit such as speed, pressure, etc., can be termed
as an analog computer. The data, which does
not, changes in spas, but changes in a smooth continuous manner can be measured
by some physical quantities and can be termed as continuous data, e.g. analog
devices are speedometer of an autumnal, voltmeter, etc.
The basic operation of
these devices is first measuring the data and then counting it. In a computer,
the variable that is to be measured is an electrical current. Analog computers
are specific-purpose devices. They are very fast in operation because all the
measurements are achieved in truly parallel mode, i.e. they can perform several
calculations at the same time.
Digital Computer
Digital means data
consisting of discrete levels. Devices that work (manipulate) with these
discrete stages, e.g. performing arithmetic and logical operations on them, are
known as digital computers. In computers, these discrete levels are represented
by binary digits (0s and 1s) where 0 means the absence of electric current and represents the presence of electric current. Nowadays, we preliminary use these kid of
Digital computers perform counting rather than measuring the data, which is done in analog systems. A digital computer performs sequential operations one at a time and operates on discrete (non-continuous) numbers. They are more accurate, precise, and faster than analog computers.
Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computers are
machines that incorporate both analogs as well as digital features in a single
computer. They use the meaning feature of an analog computer and the counting
feature of a digital computer. These computers are acquired by connecting a
digital and an analog computer via a hybrid interface. The digital unit
controls the analog unit with the help of stored instructions and the analog
unit interpolates the digital unit for various I/O operations. These computers are used to solve the special type of problems relating to science and engineering, such
as space vehicle simulations, training of astronauts, etc.
Classification According to Functionality
Computer differs in
performance, size, and cost. Depending upon these parameters, the computer
industry classifies them into the following categories:
- Microcomputer
- Minicomputer
- Mainframe computer
- Supercomputer
Performance is measured
in terms of speed of processing instructions, storage capacity, ability to
handle a large number of input and output devices, and the nature of operation
performed (simple word processing to complex scientific calculations).
Micro Computer
- This is the smallest category of computer.
- It consists of a microprocessor and associated storage device and input and output devices.
- Due to very large-scale integrated technology, now microcomputers are available in very small sizes.
Ex- Personal computers
PCs are of the following
- Desktop – Placed on the top of the desk.
- Portable computers
- Laptop – set on the lap of the user.
- Personal digital assistants (PDA) or palmtop
- Hand-held or mobile computer
Mini Computers
- Term minicomputers originated in 1960.
- 18 – Bit minicomputer was a more powerful machine, which could be used in a variety of applications and could support busies applications along with scientific applications.
- Minicomputer is used as a multi-user system.
- 32- bit minicomputers knew as supper minicomputers.
- The cost of minis is lower than the mainframe.
- It supports 10 to 12 terminals.
Mainframe Computer
- They are 32 – bit machines or on the higher – side.
- It can handle all kinds of scientific and business applications.
- More than 1,000 terminals can be supported by the mainframe.
- Ex- ES/9000 family of computers of the IBM (International Business Machines Corporations)
Super Computer
Supercomputers are at
the apex of the computer range. They are the faster and the most expensive machines
and are considered a national resource. An existing supercomputer may have
several processing units working together to produce a billion or more scientific
operations every second. Initially, used for weapon designing, currently, they
are being used for commercial purposes like designing automobiles that will
offer better protection to passengers in case of accidents. Some of the other areas
in which supercomputers are being used are weather forecasting, biomedical research, and aircraft design.
Recently CDAC India has
also built its own super computer named PARAM, which is primarily used for meat
her forecasting. Other examples of supercomputers are CRAY-3, Cyber205, etc.
Embedding Computer
There are many
computing devices, which are fitted into various other devices such as washing
machines or phones, to function and are known as embedded computers.
An embedded computer is
a microprocessor designed to operate within some other device. They are fitted
inside electronic devices like easing machines, TV, A.C., etc. they are not as flexible
as general-purpose computers. Information is stored inside this microprocessor,
which further delivers that information to the machine to get the desired
output. For example, the microprocessors used in washing machines cannot be used
for writing a letter, but they can be used to set time to switch on or regulate
the temperatures.
Classification of computer: it2edu |
Anatomy of Computer
Digital computers
perform five manor functions. This is-
- Inputting
- Processing
- Outputting
- Storing
- Controlling
Inputting: Refers to
the process of entering data into the computer, by the used using an input
Storing: Refers to the
holding of data and instructions in the computer’s main memory, for
Processing: Refers to
performing operations (both arithmetic and logical) or manipulation of data
entered into the computer so that useful information may be taken out of the
entered data.
Outputting: Refers to
the processor of showing the information or result to the user either on-screen
(monitor) or on paper (through printer).
Controlling: Refers to directing
all the above processes, in coordination. This control is done by the
control unit (CU) in a Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Considering the main functions
performed by a computer we can broadly classify the hardware components into
the following two types named as-
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
A) Peripheral devices
Central Processing Unit
The central processing
unit (CPU) is the brain of any computer system. In the human body, all major
decisions are taken by the brain, and all other parts of the body function as
directed by the brain. Similarly, in a computer system, all major calculations,
manipulations, and comparisons are made by the CPU. The CPU is also responsible
for activation and controlling the operations performed by all other units of
the computer system. The major parts of a CPU are:
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
- Control Unit (CU)
- Memory Unit or Registers.
Arithmetic And Logic Unit (ALU)
All calculations are
performed and all comparisons (decisions) are made in the ALU. The data and
instruction, stored in the primary memory prior to processing are transferred
to the ALU where processing takes place. All processing and manipulations of
data is done in the Arithmetic and Logical Unit.
Control Unit (CU)
How does the input
device know it is time for it to feed data into the storage unit? How does the
ALU know about the output devices and not the intermediate results? All this is
possible because of the control unit of the computer system. By selecting,
interpreting, and conforming to the execution of the program instructions, the
control unit is able to maintain order and direct the working of the entire
computer system. Although it does not perform any processing on the data, the
control unit acts as the central nervous system for all other components of the
computer. It coordinates the entire computer system.
Registers or Memory Unit (MU)
This is also known as
Internal Memory (IM) because it exists in the CPU internally. This is the
temporary memory. Data is stored in the memory in binary digits. This memory is
used at the processing time CPU.
Questions from this unit:
- How many types of computers?
- How many types of computers are on the basis of data handling?
- How many types of computers are on the basis of functionally?
- How many types of computers are on the basis of generations?
- How many types of computers are on the basis of purpose wise?
- What is an analog computer?
- What is a digital computer?
- What is a hybrid computer?
- What is a microcomputer?
- What is a minicomputer?
- What is a mainframe computer?
- What is a supercomputer?
- What is embedding a computer?
- What is an anatomy of a computer?
- What CPU?
- What is the full form of CPU?
- What is the central processing unit?
- What is ALU?
- What is the full form of ALU?
- What is the arithmetic logic unit?
- What is CU?
- What is the full form of CU?
- What control unit?
- What is RMU?
- What is the full form of RMU
- What is a registered memory unit?
- What registers MU?
- What is the full form of registering MU?