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Automate Android Power Saving Mode by Weather Value

Automate Power-Saving Mode on Android Based on Rainy Weather

Wouldn't it be great if your Android phone could automatically switch to power-saving mode when it rains? With Tasker and a weather plugin, you can set up this automation easily. Follow these steps to automate your Android phone to turn on power-saving mode based on rainy weather.


Step-by-Step Guide

1. Install Tasker

  • Open the Google Play Store.
  • Search for "Tasker" and install it.
  • Open Tasker and grant the necessary permissions.

2. Install a Weather Plugin

  • Open the Google Play Store.
  • Search for a Tasker-compatible weather plugin like "AutoLocation" or "Weather Tasker Plugin".
  • Install the chosen plugin.
  • Open the plugin app and configure it to provide weather updates (usually requires API key from a weather service).

3. Set Up the Weather Plugin

  • Configure the weather plugin to fetch weather data at regular intervals.
  • Ensure the plugin is working correctly by checking for weather updates.

4. Create a Tasker Profile for Rainy Weather

  • Open Tasker.
  • Go to the "Profiles" tab.
  • Tap the "+" icon to create a new profile.
  • Select "State" as the context.
  • Choose the weather plugin you installed.
  • Set the condition to "Rainy" (or the equivalent setting indicating rain).

5. Create a Task to Enable Power-Saving Mode

  • After creating the profile, Tasker will prompt you to create a new task.
  • Tap "New Task".
  • Name the task (e.g., "Enable Power Saving").
  • Tap the "+" icon to add an action.
  • Select "Net" from the categories.
  • Choose "Power Mode" or "Battery Saver" (depending on your device's available actions).
  • Set the action to enable power-saving mode.

6. (Optional) Create a Task to Disable Power-Saving Mode

  • Create another profile with the weather condition set to "Not Rainy".
  • Create a new task for this profile.
  • Add an action to disable power-saving mode.

7. Test the Setup

  • Ensure your weather plugin is providing updates.
  • Test the Tasker profile by simulating rainy weather or waiting for it to naturally occur.
  • Verify that your phone switches to power-saving mode when it rains.


With these steps, you can automate your Android device to turn on power-saving mode based on the weather. Tasker and a weather plugin make it easy to create this useful automation, helping you save battery life during rainy conditions.

Feel free to share this guide with your friends and let us know in the comments if you have any questions or need further assistance!

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